What To Look For in a Psychiatrist

What To Look For in a Psychiatrist

Seeking help for your mental health is frightening. You never know what the experience will entail. You’re unsure of the care you’ll receive. Not to mention, the anxiety of discussing deeply personal issues with a stranger is overwhelming. Nonetheless, you know that...
How To Prepare for a Telepsychiatry Appointment

How To Prepare for a Telepsychiatry Appointment

Access to health care is easier than ever. A telepsychiatry appointment involves a virtual meeting with a licensed psychiatrist where patients can receive diagnoses, therapy, and medication management just as they would in a traditional in-person visit. No matter...
What To Know About ADHD in Adults vs. Children

What To Know About ADHD in Adults vs. Children

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) affects people of all ages. While many assume it’s a childhood condition, it often persists into adulthood. In fact, some people don’t receive a diagnosis until they’re an adult. Understanding the nuances between ADHD in...
7 Signs Your Child Should See a Psychiatrist

7 Signs Your Child Should See a Psychiatrist

Children’s mental health is just as important as their physical health. Early identification and intervention of mental health issues can lead to better outcomes for your child. Understanding the signals that indicate the need for professional evaluation is crucial...